Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Big Day Ahead

This is the back of Mitt Romney having a live interview with Fox and Friends. As you can tell I'm sitting just on the left side of him and yes I was on tv the whole interview.
The privilege of meeting Mrs Romney was really great.
This two term senator introducing Mitt Romney was a fire ball. He is from Illinois and is only 31 years old. Single and pretty cute ladies.
Very presidential I think...

I have more pictures to post but its an important day today. Iowa Caucus Day. I must go ride the bike for 60 minutes and then get ready for the day and prepare my speech for tonight's caucus. So excited to be a part of this. I have been fairly involved here with this. I guess its on the bucket list of things to say I have done. My friend Janetta and I got the last picture with Mitt while here in Muscatine.

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